1. Do u think u are HOT?
Mmm hot ker? tak tau lerr..maniss ada la kot..hihiihi...hot pada mata2 yg memandang ler..tak tau la nk kata;p hot cuaca kat luar ada arrr;p
2. Upload a favourite picture of you...
3.Why do u like this picture?
Lorna suka sgt pic nih sbb...rasa sweeetsss sgt bersama sidia..hehe..mcm di awangan2 gitu;p ahaks...may hepiness owez b with me..amiinnn :)
4. When was the last time u ate pizza?
Baruuuu je smlm dpt mkn Domino's Pizza...nyum2..yummiee...smlm kat ofis seharian ada internal audit..so lunch kami disponsor oleh company ;p Thanks to Ms Lim n Cik Ismi Bahiah;p to all team members, well done! :)
5. The last song u listen too?
ape ehh...byk lagu aku dengor nihh...;p hihihi...mmm lagu dr kumpulan Ungu...suka lagu2 diorang :) beshhh2...
6. What are u doing right now besides this.
ohhh tgh wat Training Calendar 2009 utk staff LSSB...otw ya Kak Tiniii;p hehe...
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
suka sgt nama Nur Balqis :) tak dpt nama sendiri, nnt ada anak sendiri, leh arr ltk nama nihh..ye dakk;p hehehee...doakan ya..amiinnn...
8. People to tag (5 person)
Kak Ismi, Kak Hariati, Kak Yati, Fara dan sesape laaa yg sudiii..sudi2kan la yerr..
9. Who is no.1?
dia ni la CNN kat LSSB ;p hehe jgn mare kak Ismi yerrr...gurau2 jerk...pape mmg best laa borak ng cik Ismi Bahiah nih..ada jer potpet2 yer:) hihihihi...
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
Semestinya dgn cik abg ye arr...Mr Zafaris :) smg berbahagia hgga akhirnya...baby diorang tersgtlah comelllsss...geram jer si Zara tuh!
11. Say something about no.5
No. 5 adalah kwn baru yg sudi menjengah blog ku...;p nnt kita kenal2 ya...sbb tak knl lg so taktau nk say ape psl dia...
12. How about no.4?
Fara..she's my colleagues, junior ms zmn2 ukm dulu dan kiniii junior di LSSB :)
13. Who is no.2
No. 2 ni spesel skets...memula igtkan chinese...rupanya melayu daaa:) hehehe...tula kak Hariati kita..klu bab wat keje2 nih..mmg respect arr kat dier...sure terurus punya laaaaa;p hehehee.....
Ok, sy dah jwb yer..sebaik mungkin yg boleh...:)hop sumer berpuas hati!
wah wah wah...dah ada blog.. hihihi congratsss.. welcome to the world of blogging =)
kena tag balik.. huhuh dah wat dah tag tu.. refer sini yer..http://cutelildiary.blogspot.com/2008/12/kena-tagged.html anyway thankssssss
ur most welcome Kak Yati :):):)
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